Chinese dumplings with Parmigiano Reggiano, vegetables and “mediterranean asiatic” ginger sauce - china

Appetizera few minutes12-18 months


For the dough:

200 g flour

120 ml of cold water

a pinch of salt

For the filling:

200 g peas

100 g Parmigiano Reggiano

5 chinese cabbage leaves (or Savoy cabbage)

2 shallots

1 carrot

2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil


fresh ginger


For the sauce:

2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

1 tbsp sesame seeds

1 1/2 tbsp of soy sauce

1 tsp sugar

fresh basil leaves


Jiaozi between east and west

Put the flour with a pinch of salt in a bowl, pour the water in the middle and knead to make a smooth homogeneous dough and let rest in the fridge wrapped in cling film for at least an hour. Meanwhile, prepare the filling by blanching the Chinese cabbage in boiling salted water for three minutes. Drain, allow to cool and cut into thin strips. Gently fry a chopped shallot with a tablespoon of oil, add the peas and cook for about 10 minutes. Add the cabbage and finish cooking. The vegetables will become soft. In another pan gently fry the other shallots in olive oil and add the carrots, finely chopped with a mixer, and cook until they are tender. Blend the peas and cabbage filling with a mixer until creamy, and then add the cooked carrots and shallots and finally the chopped chives, the grated Parmigiano Reggiano and a generous handful of grated fresh ginger. Roll out the dough and with a pastry cutter make a few circles 6-7 cm in diameter. With a rolling pin, or with a pasta-machine, stretch them further (the dough should be almost transparent). Place a teaspoon of filling in each one and fold into a half-moon shape, press and pinch the ends to seal them and make the typical Chinese dumpling creases. Line the bottom of the bamboo steamer with cabbage leaves, lay the dumplings on top and cook by dipping the steamer into a pot of boiling water. The dumplings are cooked through when they become very transparent. While the dumplings are cooking, prepare the sauce by blending fresh basil leaves, olive oil, sugar, soy sauce and sesame seeds in a mixer. Serve hot with the sauce.

Recipe by Antonella Pagliaroli Fotogrammi di zucchero

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