Rice in a bowl

Pasta&Ricea couple of hours30 months


Serves 2-3 people:

For the rice:

1 shallot

200 g Carnaroli rice

1 beef stock cube

40 g butter

100 g Parmigiano Reggiano

3 large slices of cooked ham (or more if they are small)

dry white wine

3 l water

For the sauce:

1 shallot

1 garlic clove

1 small salami

50 g dried porcini mushrooms

150 g veal fillet

1/2 glass extra virgin olive oil

1 knob butter

tomato passata

dry white wine


  1. Soak the dried mushrooms in lukewarm water, changing the water a couple of times. Clean and chop the shallot and garlic and soften them in a pan with extra virgin olive oil. Add the crumbled small salami and the veal cut into small pieces. Squeeze the mushrooms dry and cut them into pieces, keeping aside the soaking water. Add them to the pan. Now add the mushroom water, the tomato passata and half a glass of dry white wine. Cook slowly for about 2 hours. Once ready, take it off the heat and add a tablespoon of butter.

  2. Heat the oil and soften the shallot. Add the rice and toast it, then add white wine and reduce. Prepare the stock by bringing 3 litres of water to the boil and adding the stock cube. Gradually add the stock to the rice and cook it for about 25 minutes. When the rice is cooked add butter and Parmigiano Reggiano.

  3. Take a bowl and line it with the cooked ham, making sure that the slices extend over the edge of the bowl. Spoon in the rice, pushing it against the sides of the bowl lined with ham and make a crater in the centre. Fill this space with the sauce and then cover with rice. Fold over the overhanging ham. Turn the bowl over onto a plate.

Recipe by Gabriella Ghillani

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