Swiss chard Ravioli

Pasta&Ricea couple of hours24 months


300 g ricotta

500 g chard

150 g Parmigiano Reggiano , grated

4 eggs and 1 yolk

400 g flour type “00”

10 g butter

Fine salt, to taste

To dress:

Butter, to taste

Parmigiano Reggiano, grated, as needed


  1. For the dough: On a floured board mix the flour with 4 eggs, keeping in mind that each 100 g of flour will need 1 egg. Knead everything, until the mixture is smooth and homogeneous. If necessary, add a little water.

  2. Leave the dough to rest in the fridge for 30 minutes or one hour, if it still feels too warm.

  3. For the filling: Wash the chard. Steam or cook in boiling salty water with the lid on for about 10 minutes. Once cooked, drain and let cool.

  4. Squeeze the water out of the chard, then cut and sauté in a pan with butter for a couple of minutes. Fold in a bowl with the Parmigiano Reggiano and ricotta cheese. Taste the mix to see if it needs more salt or more Parmigiano Reggiano.

  5. When the filling is cold, add a yolk (if the filling is still too soft, you can add breadcrumbs).

  6. Preparing the raviolis: Roll a thin layer of dough on a floured work surface. Divide the filling in small knobs and place them on the sheet of rolled dough sufficiently spaced to allow the raviolis to be tightly closed during the following step of the preparation. Layer another sheet of rolled dough on the top and with the fingertips press lightly the dough along the edges of the filling, to remove the air and seal the raviolis. With a cutting-wheel trim around the edges, giving the pasta the typical shape of raviolis.

  7. Cook the raviolis in boiling salted water for about 3 minutes. In the meantime melt the butter with 2 spoons of the cooking water (alternatively, you can add a dash of milk). Drain the pasta and dress it with melted butter and plenty of Parmigiano Reggiano.

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