Its origins in the Middle Ages

The History
A journey of a thousand years
Parmigiano Reggiano features a unique and extraordinary journey that has lasted a thousand years and continues to this day in the same places, with the same passion and the same ingredients.

The Renaissance

They have there a whole mountain of grated parmesan, and the people who live on it do nothing all day but make gnocchi and ravioli and cook it in capon broth, then whoosh it down the slope, and the people who collect the most collect the most.
”Giovanni Boccaccio, Decameron, 1351, in describing Bengodi, the happy valley.
Parma, Modena and Reggio in the 17th century

Modern History
From STRESA to the CAP

The Protected Designation of Origin

If you observe the texture of Parmigiano under a very strong magnifying glass, it is revealed to be not just an unchanging mass of granules linked together into cheese but a panorama. It is an aerial photograph of Emilia taken from a height similar to that of the Eternal Father