Cupquiches with chicken topping - France

Appetizera few minutes24 months


For 12 mini quiches:

300 g button mushrooms

100 ml double cream

30 g Parmigiano Reggiano

3 eggs

1 large leek

a knob of butter

extra virgin olive oil

salt and pepper

For the topping:

300 g chicken breast

200 g cream cheese

fennel seeds

salt and Pepper


Preheat the fan oven to 200°. Heat the oil and butter in a pan over medium-low heat and add the leek cut into rounds. As soon as they soften remove from the pan and set them aside on a plate. Sauté the mushrooms, cut into slices or chunks, over medium-high heat until they are cooked, but crunchy, then add the leek and sauté everything together for a few seconds. In a bowl, beat the eggs then add the cream and the Parmigiano Reggiano. Save a few mushrooms for decoration, and then distribute the remaining in the various muffin moulds. Pour the liquid mixture to cover and, using a fork, stir the ingredients so that the eggs are distributed throughout and at the bottom. Bake for about 15 minutes until the outer surface is golden brown. Meanwhile, in the same pan used for the leek and mushrooms, cook the chicken slices on a high heat (add a little oil if necessary). Blend the chicken in a blender to a smooth sandy texture, mix in the cream cheese and the fennel seeds then season with pepper and salt. Serve the cupcakes warm and garnish with the chicken topping.

Recipe by Vittorio Caselli

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