Somali sambusi dumplings with Parmigiano Reggiano - Somalia

Appetizera few minutes24 months


For the dough:

500 g plain flour

300 ml water

250 g potatoes

250 g minced beef

120 ml extra virgin olive oil

8 g salt

flour for pastry and to flour the Sambusi

For the filling:

50 g onion or shallot

50 g red bell pepper

40 g grated Parmigiano Reggiano 24 months


10 grains of coriander

salt and pepper

extra virgin olive oil to taste

oil for frying (peanut)

For the glue:

30-45 ml of cold water

10 g plain flour


Pour the flour and salt into a bowl; add the extra virgin olive oil in the centre and some of the water. Mix with a fork until a rough mixture. Transfer it to a lightly floured surface and carry on mixing with your hands. Add a little water at a time to obtain a firm dough (similar to the fresh durum wheat pasta one). Once you have a ball of dough, put it under a towel or plate and let it rest for about half an hour. Wash and peel the potatoes, cut into 2 - 3 pieces and boil for about 15 minutes. Drain and cool. On a chopping board, slice the onion very thinly. In a small mortar grind 10 grains of coriander into a fine aromatic powder (if you don't have a mortar and pestle use a small ceramic bowl and a wooden spoon as a pestle). In a pan heat 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, brown the coriander powder (if you do not like strong flavours, pound the coriander coarsely, let it season the hot oil, and then remove it, so you will only have its delicate aroma). As soon as the coriander unleashes its characteristic aroma, add the onion and fry. Next, add the ground meat and cook. Meanwhile, dice the boiled potatoes (5 mm per side) and red bell pepper (previously cleaned) cut into small cubes, and very coarsely chop the parsley on the side. In a bowl, mix the cooked minced meat, diced potatoes and bell pepper, parsley and Parmigiano Reggiano, season with salt and a little freshly ground black pepper to taste. Prepare a "glue" by mixing 10 grams of flour and the cold water with a fork. Divide the dough into 4 pieces; roll out 1 piece of dough with a rolling pin on a lightly floured surface: it should be about 2 mm thick. Cut the pasta into a 20 cm diameter circle (you can use a round cake baking tin). At the centre of the disc of dough slash a cross in order to get 4 triangular pieces. On one of the longer sides spread the "glue" and seal to obtain a high “open” cone similar to those used for popcorn. Fill the cone almost to the edge. With a little glue dampen the strip of dough and carefully seal the filled pastry. Continue until you finish all the dough and filling, then place the freshly made pastries on a tray sprinkled with flour. Heat the peanut oil in a shallow and wide frying pan. When the oil is hot, fry the sambusi, first on one side (they should be golden brown), then on the other (better to turn them only once so as to not open them). Drain on kitchen paper and serve hot with a peppers and green salad accompaniment.

Recipe by Betulla Costantini Betullalba

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